Friday, January 8, 2016

Club Penguin: Best of 2015 Mash-up Video! + HINTS

Hey there, hello again on a new post on FriddlersCPHome!

Yesterday, Club Penguin ™ uploaded a very special video on their channel! Everyone was waiting for this moment, and it is the amazing Best of 2015 Mash-Up video! CP do these every year, and they make a mash-up of what happened the year on Club Penguin.

Check the video down below! (end of this post)
Let's get to the sneak peeks and more interesting things of course.                                                                          
At the beginning, you can see a 3D render of trees and rocks, you might say ''#ProjectSuperSecret?'' It could be something else, but im also pretty sure it's part of PSS.

It looks really nice, and realistic. It would of been nice if it moved, and that leads to another question. Is this just artwork or a real 3D render?

In the next image, you see how CP colors rooms in a timelapse. It looks really cool, and it looks very interesting because it shows how they make the shadows and other stuff in timelapse.

Now comes the last, and best part. It shows what's next in CP. And it has question marks, and inside them you can see screenshots of like (possibly) Project Super Secret, new mascots? And more...

In one of the question marks, you can see a penguin. It looks like it's a new mascot? Not sure about it, it could be a new Aunt Arctic. But in my opinion it wouldn't be the best decision of CP because they already did this with Dot, and many CP players weren't quite happy.

So, the question is: New mascot? New Aunt Arctic maybe? See the screenshot zoomed in down below.
Possibly new mascot?
In the next screenshot, it looks like it's part of #ProjectSuperSecret. It looks of course like the style in this image. *Click here for the image*

Maybe like another part of the new 3D Town from PSS? We should know soon...
New town?
In the next (last) screenshot, you can see like something you could guess already. It's the Earthquake Drill Herbert used in one of the EPF missions! This should probably be used in February's update, called Shrink of Doom. Im not sure though, here's a image from the video!
February party maybe?

And here's a image of the Earthquake Drill, which will i think be renewed in another style?
Earthquake Drill

What do you think? Are these hints from upcoming parties, or maybe PSS? Let me know in the comments!

- Friddler

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